Since I was looking for alternative paths, I could not find a better place in my way than Shri Krishna Yogashram. The knowledge I was taught, I have also been shown a wonderful way of life to follow from now on in order to improve the stability & happiness of my soul. Yoga is the road that leads to a harmonious union of the body-motor and the soul energy. Together eventually. I will walk my way further and lighter.
Here I received the theory I needed to practice by myself everyday. And the explanatory came through beautiful comparisons and perfectly clear metaphors that were flooding out Guruji’s great experience in teaching and Guruj’s patience with any ignorance. I can only say ‘Thank you’ to him for his lessons and for his hospitality, extending it to his wonderful family which made me feel part of them at every moment and forever more.
I leave here in their ashram a peace of my heart that I will come to pick up sooner or later.... for more knowledge... for more love.